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The Royal & Ancient Company of Dishonorable Golfers

Certus et Celer

The Royal & Ancient Company of Dishonourable Golfers is a global golf society for people who take their on course game seriously and their off course game somewhat less so. Divided into geographic chapters, each chapter is semi-autonomous and arranges its own meetings and competitions, with inter-chapter showdowns a regular fixture around Ryder Cup week. Membership of one chapter means membership of all chapters and the ability to play in any society meeting or competition. It also provides you with a network of like minded golfers around the world to play with at any time.

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All About Us

The RACDG was inspired by conversations in The Refuge, a golf forum for super nerds run by the No Laying Up crew. A community of like minded people had found kindred spirits but it was only online, and many of us wanted to start playing together. Golf creates friendships and connections unlike any other sport and a society we could call our own seemed like a logical step.

United by a love of the game, its history and the merits of classical golf course architecture, we try to play at courses that have some design or historical merit. We have a special affection for courses that play firm and fast, hence our Latin motto, Certus et Celer. This is a society where our members will spend a bit more to play somewhere special, not simply the cheapest deal out there on a Trent Jones snooze fest.

It is truly a global society, with individual chapters set up across North America, Europe and the beginnings of others in Australia and the Middle East. Each chapter is semi-autonomous, allowing them to arrange their own matches. The only pre-requisite for each chapter is to arrange an annual competition, The Shut, to find their Champion Golfer of the Year. Membership is to the society however, and not the chapter, so members can participate in any event held by any chapter around the world. There is a small charge of $25USD / £20GBP per year for membership. Beyond that you simply play green fees for the events you would like to play in.

We take our golf seriously, the matches are competitive and we conduct ourselves with grace and patience on a  golf course, whether playing or spectating. There is also a healthy social life off course and most matches are followed by dinners.

It is open to anyone and new members are admitted by a simple request to be a member. You have to be a complete asshat not to be allowed in and as long as you continue the non-asshatery, you can stay in. It is up to each new member to self-identify which chapter or chapters they would like to play with. If you are interested in membership please use the SUBSCRIBE NOW section at the bottom of the website to send us your details. A Chapter Captain close to you will then make contact to welcome you aboard.

Certus et Celer

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Our Constitution

Like all societies we run according to our Constitution

The Royal & Ancient Company of Dishonorable Golfers

Society Constitution – November 2018


1.              Name

1.1           The name of the Society shall be The Royal & Ancient Company of Dishonorable Golfers, hereafter referred to as ‘the Society’.

1.2           The Society may be referred to as the RACDG for those moments when we can’t be arsed to write it all out.

1.3           The Society’s motto shall be ‘Certus Et Celer’, which is Latin for Firm & Fast. Just to show people we’re kinda smart and at least some of us have an education. Plus it sets out the kind of places we like to play. Not that soft and slow doesn’t have its merits too. Just not many. This shall be the subject of frequent RACDG debate. It says so in the Constitution.

2.              Organisation

2.1           The Society will be run at a global level by the Society Captains Table.

2.2           The Society shall divide itself into Chapters.

2.3           Chapters will be arranged geographically, the boundaries of which will be decided on spec by prospective or existing members.

2.4           Each Chapter shall be semi-autonomous, arranging its own matches, meetings and competitions.

2.5           Each Chapter will manage its own finances independently of one another, keeping all money received through annual member dues paid to that chapter, until the chapter membership passes 50 dues paying members, whereupon 50% of all further member dues will be paid into a central fund to be used for society travel to interchapter meetings. Additionally, funds may be paid to other Chapters as part of an event or planned match, or to the Captains Table as part of a Society initiative, subsequent to majority vote by all voting members in that Chapter.

2.6           Each Chapter shall have a Chapter Representative, usually the Chapter Captain, to represent it at the Society Captains Table.

2.7           It is permissable for a Chapter Captain to also be a Society President or Society Vice-President, though, once the Society reaches a certain size, it should largely be frowned upon.

3.              Objectives

3.1       The Club shall hold the following as its aims and objectives and shall strive to fulfil these aims and objectives at all times:

3.1.1               To play various Golf Courses throughout the world, with particular attention to courses that have, in our esteemed opinion, some architectural merit, namely, width and angles, and which play fast and firm. Certus et celer.

3.1.2               The Society shall not play at boring resort courses. Anyone suggesting a Trent Jones track shall be sent to the back of the room for a period of 6 months until they learn their lesson.

3.1.3               To play such events in a spirit of fun and general golf nerdiness.

3.1.4               To arrange competitions & matches, award prizes and raise money for charity.

3.1.5               To arrange golf related outings to PGA Tour / European Tour competitions and to hold ourselves to a high standard of behaviour at such events. For the avoidance of doubt, anyone shouting “mashed potato” shall be publicly shamed and made to hand write apology letters to every competitor.

3.1.6               To fulfil the general objectives and functions of a golf society and by undertaking such activities as may be reasonably necessary and/or incidental to such objectives;

3.1.7               To generally promote the game of golf for the benefit of members and the global golf community;

3.1.8               To promote and abide by the Rules of Golf as they are set by The R&A / USGA;

3.1.9               To provide access to golf for players of all standards in a friendly and welcoming atmosphere that does not discriminate on the grounds of gender, age, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation or disability;

3.1.10            To engage in any other activities that are generally golf and golf course architecture related and are considered by enough members to be good craic.

4.              Membership

4.1           The membership of the Society shall consist of one single category, Full Members.

4.2           Membership of one Chapter gives Full Membership to the whole Society and any other Chapter without the addition of extra costs. We are one, we are all.

4.3           Admission is based upon a simple desire to be a member. Only proven asshats shall be barred from membership (and any member of the Trent Jones family).

4.4           There shall be no joining fee upon becoming a Member of the Society.

4.5           The Society Chapter may charge an annual subscription to join the Society once a minimum of 15 Full Members has been reached.

4.6           Subscription Fees will be decided by the Society Committee and will start at £20 GBP / $25 USD. They will be kept to a minimum to simply cover annual expenses.

4.7           All members joining the Club shall be deemed to accept the terms of this Constitution.

4.8           All Members shall have the right to vote on any motion proposed by their Chapter.

4.9           Annual subscriptions shall be due on the first day of the month subsequent to the Chapter starting to charge annual subscriptions and shall be due for renewal on the anniversary of that date. In the event that any member’s annual subscription has not been paid within a reasonable time period then the member shall be made to play with only one club at all subsequent matches until their membership has been paid in full. If, for some reason, they continue to not pay for a period of one full year then they shall also be made to play every match with their pants round the ankles.

4.10        If the conduct of any member, either in or out of the clubhouse, on the course, or elsewhere is such that it appears to the Chapter Committee / Society Captains Table to impair the character or good standing of the Society, or if any member wilfully disobeys any order of the Chapter Committee / Society Captains Table communicated to such member or is in breach of any rule or by-law of the Society, the Chapter Committee / Society Captains Table shall be terribly annoyed. They may even decide to boot the member our of the Society (but only in extreme circumstances).

5.              Management of the Club

5.1           There shall be a Society Captains Table responsible for the overall management of the Society and shall have the power to make Bylaws. The Society Captains Table will consist of the Chapter Captains, a Society President and a Society Vice-President.

5.2           There shall be an annual Annual General Meeting for the Captains Table, though they may meet for Extraordinary General Meetings from time to time, like, say in the event of a Mass Extinction Level Event, or something worse, like the retirement of Bill Coore or Ben Crenshaw, for example.

5.3           The Society Captains Table may meet remotely, via the wizardry of modern technology, until such times as the scientists get off their fat asses and invent teleportation devices, at which time, attendance in person is required in order to have a vote.

5.4           The Society President and Society Vice-President shall be elected by a vote at the annual AGM. Each President and Vice-President is elected for a period of twelve months. Re-election is possible for a period of ten years. After that it’s time to move aside. You’re not Sepp Blatter.

5.5           Crawford Anderson-Dillon shall be known as The Founder in addition to any other elected office he may hold from time to time. He shall be referred to as ‘Your Grace’ by all members at all times.

5.6           The Chapter Captains and Chapter Vice-Captains shall be decided by a vote of all members of that Chapter at the Chapter Annual General Meeting. Each Chapter Officer is elected for a period of twelve months. Immediate re-election is not permitted for a period of five years, unless there are fewer than five members of that Chapter.

5.7           For the avoidance of doubt, all the Committee member positions may be held by anyone, regrdless of gender, race or other defining feature. The only requirement is a commitment to execute the office to the best of their ability.

5.8           The Chapter Committee shall hold meetings from time to time as may be required for the efficient function of the Chapter. A meeting of the Chapter Committee shall be called by the Captain at any time.

5.9           There may also be the following Elected Officers of the Chapter:

5.9.1               Chapter Secretary / Treasurer

5.9.2               Handicap Officer

5.9.3               Events & Matches Officer

5.9.4               Big Kahuna, who is not elected but instead earns the right / honor by winning the Chapter’s Annual Competition

6.              Finance

6.1           The Society and each individual Chapter are non-profit, though small sums can be collected for Society expenses.

6.2           Assuming Chapter membership is sufficiently large, it is assumed that the Chapter Captain, for his / her year of service, will not have to pay fees for playing any Chapter events. The cost of this will be covered by annual Chapter dues.

6.3           The dispersal of any additional sums at each financial year end is to be decided by the Chapter Committee.

6.4           Once a Chapter becomes Financially Activated, ie once there are more than 15 members, then the Chapter’s financial year will run from the date of the first day of the month following that activation.

6.5           Following activation a Chapter Treasurer must open a bank account / PayPal / Venmo or similar for the management of Chapter funds. This account can be used to collect subscriptions and fees paid in advance for match bookings. It may also be used for any other Society based expense that the Chapter Committee deems necessary. For the avoidance of doubt, stripper fees in Vegas is probably not allowed.

6.6           The Treasurer shall be responsible for securing the preparation of Annual Accounts of the Chapter and laying these before the Annual General Meeting.

6.7           As the Society is a global association of chapters it is the Chapter’s individual responsibility to abide by the local laws and rules regarding the set up and functioning of small non-profit societies.

6.8           All cheques drawn against the Club's funds shall be signed by the Treasurer and at least one other office-bearer.

7.              Matches, Competitions & Dinners

7.1           Each Chapter shall organise matches and competitions for the benefit and enjoyment of all Chapter members.

7.2           Members of all Chapters may participate at another Chapter’s events, for no additional fees to those of the event itself.

7.3           Each Chapter may organise as many matches, competitions and fun golf days as it so wishes, and which its members are prepared to pay / travel for.

7.4           The Chapter Committee will arrange costs for all competitions, to be paid by each participating member. A small surcharge per player may be charged to cover expenses and the purchase of prizes.

7.5           Each Chapter will hold one annual competition, known as The Shut (as opposed to The Open). The Shut shall be contested by all members on the day over 18 or 36 holes, whichever is decided by the Chapter Captain. Details for The Shut are as follows:

7.5.1               The Shut shall be decided by Stableford scoring. All US members who do not know how to score Stableford will just have to learn. It’s fun.

7.5.2               The Shut shall provide for full handicap, the best net score winning.

7.5.3               A separate prize for the best gross score is allowed, should the Chapter Committee decide to do so.

7.5.4               Similarly, additional prizes and annual cups to be decided and awarded according to the rules set out by the Chapter Committee.

7.5.5               In the event of a tie, then the best score over the last nine holes shall decide the winner. Failing that the last 6, then the last 3 and then the last hole. In the event that a winner still cannot be decided they shall proceed to the 18th green for a putt off.

7.5.6               The winner of The Shut shall be known as that Chapter’s Champion Golfer of the Year for a period of twelve moths.

7.5.7               The Champion Golfer of the Year shall be provided with a trophy to be kept in their possession for a period of one year. After which they must return it to the Chapter Committee for presentation to the next years Champion Golfer. The trophy is to be purchased by the Chapter Committee before The Shut is held for the first time and can be the cheapest thing in the shop, but is probably better if it’s bigger than the Wannamaker Trophy.

7.5.8               The Champion Golfer of the Year is to be invited back to defend the following year free of charge. He / she must, however, play without the use of a driver as the Defending Champion. Should he / she prevail a second year then for the third year they shall be deprived of a putter as well. Should they prevail for the third year in a row they will be formally told to ‘behave themselves’.

7.5.9               The Champion Golfer of the Year gets to choose the menu of the following year’s Annual Dinner.

7.5.10            The Champion Golfer of the Year has an honorary position as Big Kahuna on the Chapter Committee.

7.5.11            Everyone else who participated shall be known as Losers of The Shut for a period of twelve months.

7.6           After The Shut an Annual Dinner shall be served.

7.6.1               This dinner shall consist of three courses, eaten with a knife and fork and everyone shall be seated.

7.6.2               The three courses may consist of chips, a cheeseburger and Milk Duds should the Champion Golfer of the Year choose to serve that, provided it is served on individual plates. You just have to eat it together like adults. At a grown up table.

7.6.3               Wine shall be served and if it has a name like Screaming Eagles Balls you shall drink it out of plastic goblets like the animals you are. Only claret can be served in proper wine goblets.

7.7           After the dinner the Captain shall give a speech. It really doesn’t matter what its about or if its any good.

7.8           After the Captain’s speech he shall preside over the prize giving.

7.9           Aftet the prize giving he shall preside over the raffle or any other activity that endeavours to raise money for the Captain’s chosen charity.

7.10        There shall be toasts at the Annual Dinner, lead by the Captain. Any member may prepare or offer a toast, the Captain deciding whether the toast shall be accepted and toasted. While it is not expected to toast The Queen, it is regarded as bad form not to do so in recognition of a subject of Her Majesty, should one be in attendance. When the Captain tires of the toasting they shall end the toasts with the Society Motto, ‘Certus Et Celer’, to which the Congregation reply ‘Certus Et Celer’.

7.11        Subsequent to the Dinner, the Wine and the riotous Toasting the Annual General Meeting of the Chapter shall take place. After any other business the elections for the next years officials takes place. Note that it is generally accepted that after a year serving as Vice Captain, the Vice Captain will become Captain, though this is done through the formality of a vote and is not a foregone conclusion.

7.12        Should the annual competition be held over a weekend then The Shut shall be held on the first day. The next day a second cup may be played for, known as The Hangover Cup. The Hangover Cup is a pairs match to be played either as 4BBB or a Foursomes / Greensomes match, to be decided by the Captain. The winners of The Hangover Cup shall be presented with trophies to keep for a period of one year.

7.13        All other rules to all other competitions held by any Chapter are entirely at the discretion of the Captain and the Chapter Committee.

7.14        It may be decided, from time to time, that the Champion Golfers of the Year from all the Chapters may play a match somewhere for the title Smug Bastard. The title Smug Bastard will be held until another Smug Bastard wins the same competition, at which point the previous Smug Bastard will be refered to as the Old Smug Bastard. There may be several Old Smug Bastards at the same time.

8.              The Constitution.

8.1           The Constitution shall only be altered by consent of two thirds of voting members present at a Captains Table. 

8.2           The Constitution and Bylaws in force from time to time shall be binding on the Society office-bearers and members.

9.              Complaints

All complaints must be made in writing to the President and signed by the persons complaining; and none shall be attended to unless this rule is complied with. The President shall submit all such complaints to the Captains Table, who shall take the matter into their consideration, and they shall have the power to give such deliverance or order thereon as they consider necessary.

This constitution has been approved and accepted as the constitution for the Royal & Ancient Company of Dishonorable Golfers.

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